In a recent post entitled: “Designing Your Life,” I (guest)wrote on the topic of designing a fulfilling life and career. Clearly, I need to remind myself of my own drivel advice. My life, manifested by the current state of my daily commuter bag, is OUT – OF – CONTROL! Please enjoy Designing Your… Backpack? or how I identified and resolved a messy backpack situation.

Warm thank yous to Kim at The Frugal Engineers for allowing me to guest post on her blog! Kim writes about various personal finance topics, sharing her belief that “…money is a tool, and we can use it to improve our lives through responsible spending and saving.” Her goal is to help others gain more confidence with their finances so they may pursue their passion projects, or, as she eloquently puts it, “optimize our finances to reduce the dependency on mandatory work and buy back our free time.” Can’t say I disagree with that!
Check out my guest post at The Frugal Engineers here:
Check out my three favorite posts from The Frugal Engineers here:
Maybe you’re like me and your interest in the natural world led you to permaculture design. Its message resonated and you wanted to learn more, you wanted to experiment. Or, maybe the term is entirely new and you’re thinking: “Ahhhhhh, what is permaculture design?” Novice or pro, I hope this spotlight serves as a look-through into the world of permaculture that all levels of green thumb and friend of Earth may appreciate.

Some years are better than others for Autumn foliage. I can’t be sure if this season’s colors are especially vibrant or if we just happened to hit a perfect stretch in a perfect location. For whatever reason, we recently experienced peak Autumn foliage on a quick visit to Western Mass. The colors were spectacular! On this Halloween Day, I’d like to share with you a slice of Autumn’s vibrant color palette, while wishing you a happy holiday!
It’s starting to look like Fall around here. First frost is nigh and that means a close to this year’s urban gardening experiment (and no more fresh salsa, oh no!). In this urban gardening experiment update, Harvest Edition, we’ll celebrate our successes, review some failures and plan out iterations for next Spring.

One of my favorite feelings in the world is driving out of Boston. Compass pointing west, I downshift mentally to the measured, comfortable pace of the western massachusetts wavelength. With each mile, the tightness, harbored in my neck and shoulders, fades. Eventually, it’s discarded somewhere along the way entirely, can’t be sure which mile marker exactly. I grow stronger, I center. I’m home… The following is a tribute to the region, an ode to Western Mass (and its rivers and ponds).
But, before I get too far ahead of myself (which I do…constantly), where is this mystical place? Where is this western mass?
Well, you see, it depends on who you’re talking to…

Here’s a short review of: A Year of Less by Cait Flanders and Frugality: How to Consume Less, Save More and Live Better by Chris Farrell: