We woke up this morning to a wintry mess offering from Mother Nature. What a perfect day to dream about fun times ahead in the garden! If you missed our first installment of Exploring Permaculture: Site Analysis (Part I), you can check it out here. Please enjoy today’s post which wraps up observations: Exploring Permaculture: Site Analysis (Part II).

“Honey, we don’t have a protractor, do we?” I needn’t to turn my head, the scoff informed me. Shoddy amateur draftsmanship delights with today’s post: Exploring Permaculture: Site Analysis (Part I).

Cold, snowy days prompt daydreams of sun and dirt! On this wintry day, I’d like to share some thoughts regarding the permaculture design process. Good design begins with a good eye. That eye, however, may need to be retrained to envision the landscape slightly differently. Please enjoy this exploration into permaculture design: Site Assessment.

I’ve been thinking about cars a lot lately, or more accurately, how to disassociate myself from one. My fiance and I own two automobiles and exactly zero driveways. As urbanites, we play the musical car game well. We know the city’s street sweeping schedule intimately, ever mindful of the patrolling army of eager ticketers. For some, c’est la vie, but not so for this artful dodger. Today, I’ll share why I sold my car and how I went about executing the transaction.

Burl – y Bowls
Like many good ideas, it presented itself whilst sitting by campfire. Picking up the gnarly, bulbous chunk of wood, I thought: “this could be made into a bowl…”
“Nothing to it,” I thought. Just carve out this here thinger and we’ll be slurping up some Campbell’s Chunky in two shakes of a whisker… or so I thought. But let’s back up. What the heck is a “burl” anyway?
Read MoreUrban Gardening – Update 2
Here’s a little check-in before it all gets away from us.
I’m pleasantly surprised with progress in the (frankenmonster) raised bed. As mentioned before, it really doesn’t get much direct sunlight. I think we did well with our plant decisions; they all seem to like the space and are thriving!
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