Hey, Let’s Talk About Something Else: Hay in Your Garden

Mulch on your mind? Probably not. As I write, the country, the world, is… tense, let’s put it. I mean not to make light of the situation, nor downplay its gravity. These are truly unprecedented times. Instead, I’d like to offer a simple distraction, a reprieve from whatever genuinely alarming thing is in front of you right now. The garden and the act of gardening, for many, is therapeutic. I’ve found myself out there more recently. Albeit a bit early maybe, considering it’s just now officially spring, but I’m out there. My natural, seasonal energy which grows as the temperature rises, suddenly kicked into overdrive by the nervous, excitable energy of the times. Gardens away! Which brings me back to hay. I want to incorporate permaculture/organic gardening-inspired techniques as we execute and hay, well… it sounds important. Please enjoy today’s post all about hay, featuring wisdom from some of those who came before us.

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