Goals – Mid Year Check-in

Goals – Mid Year Check-in

Here’s a little check-in at the halfway point. Back in January, I committed to some (rather ambiguous) goals. It was short on detail, long on feelings. I’ll try to elaborate more here as I update my progress, while roughly keeping the same structure .


My focus is to foster positive wellness behavior, rather than set explicit (and likely arbitrary) benchmarks, like BMI for example. The approach, which I certainly highjacked from somewhere, incorporates exercise into routine. Over time, it becomes a natural part of the day, the lifestyle.

For me, this begins with the commitment to go to bed at a reasonable time. I’m able to rise early (say 5:45AM – 6:15AM weekdays, somewhere in there) and go to the gym in my office building. I’ll probably write about my actual workout in the future, but it is basic. I do some cardio, some weights and lots of stretching and core. My only rules are: 1) Don’t stop moving 2) Only lift something you can do 30+ times.

I alternate between “push” and “pull” days, where “push” days involve—you guessed it—pushing movements and vice versa. If I have a lot of energy that day, I will do a little more, less energy and I’ll pull back a bit, but time in the gym is always capped at an hour and often half that number. There are more interesting ways to spend your precious day than indoors as a gym rat.

I pair the pre-work routine with light cardio over the lunch hour in the form a walk around the office park (sounds tremendously mundane, but it’s actually a fairly peaceful, woodsy setting) or hopping on the stationary bike back in the office gym. It’s not much, but it’s a nice and necessary hiatus from the sedentary office day.

Back in January, I mentioned toying with the idea of running a road race sometime in the fall. OK, so maybe some time sensitive, tangible goals too! My desired race criteria were proximity, cool features (like seashore or mountains, etc.) and not a logistical cluster. I think I’ve found that and maybe even convinced a few friends/colleagues to join too. Yay! Also, I’m going to try to raise a couple of shekels for a non-profit organization that does environmental work near my hometown.

Sooooo… the Newport, Rhode Island half marathon in October is the winning ticket! More to come!

I’m exploring meditation and mindfulness more deeply. I’m not saying Himalayan silent retreat more deeply. I’m saying just actually doing it. I discussed in January that I’ve become more aware of the interconnectedness of my mental and physical states. They are one. I cannot disregard one to focus on the other, I must practice self-care holistically. This led to book, article and podcast consumption on the topic.

I’ve realized, like many things, the best approach for me is to just jump into it and learn by doing. Otherwise, I tend to overanalyze, become overwhelmed with the magnitude of said thing and eventually move on to the next shiny object. This topic clearly needs a more measured approach.

At this stage of the ballgame, after some few score sessions along, I’m somewhere between utter ineptitude and general neophyte.

My two biggest takeaways thus far: 1) Trying to stop my mind from wandering is difficult 2) If I can meditate for even ten minutes, I feel noticably clearer and more relaxed.

We shall see how I progress.

With the occasional weekend greasy pub food meat/carb infusion excluded, we eat very well. We subscribe to modest (5 lbs./month) monthly meat share, which delivers locally raised meat directly to our porch. Farmers’ markets are a frequent pit stop and we eat lots of whole foods. The most notable change with respect to diet this year is making a conscious effort to eat less meat. Not zero (whew!), just less. Growing up in a meat and potatoes household makes this a distinct departure from the last few decades. I will need to exercise some restraint.


I won’t spend much time on this topic beyond sharing a simple observation. I’ve noticed that my perception of “work” and “career” have evolved dramatically, noticeably so just this year and immensely over the last handful of years. A confluence of related factors are likely attributable, but without a doubt include: technological advancement and obsolescence combined with a fascination with minimalism and simplicity.

Either that or I’ve become an old fart that says things like: “Get off my lawn!” and “Close that door. Whaddiya grow up in a barn?!”

I’ve always wanted to be “successful,” but maybe my definition of that word has evolved. Maybe this is maturity, maybe this is naivety. Maybe I should have been a forest ranger.

With that mystical interlude behind us, let me just say a quick word on consistency. It matters… a lot. Capacity and applications change, but the approach does not. Punctual people show up on time. A person that follows through will deliver a result. If you’re a happy person, you generally walk around with a smile on your face and say hi to people.

I work alongside super hardworking, competent, ethical and genuinely considerate people. I also work “alongside,” as in the same universe, as the next Bernie Madoff who simply hasn’t been caught yet. This consistency aptly applies to my moral compass in execution of my obligations as an employee, but its import is even more profound as it relates to interpersonal relationships.

To elaborate, I exercise consistency by abiding by the law and not stealing from people. That’s fantastic and those operating in a similar capacity should act likewise. I also exercise consistency when I disagree with a superior – politely and from a position of collegial respect, of course. I do not bend a standard or overlook a detail because of fear of reprisal.

This… this could be poor advice given without thought of context. This could be poor advice to myself! But it is the approach I take, that I strive to take, regardless of situation. That’s enough on that.


We’ve had some high highs and low lows recently. Climbing out of our metaphorical bunker and beginning the summer for real with adventures is always such a treat in the New England area. We, and maybe the entirety of the region, treat those Memorial – Labor Day weekends as dearly precious commodities, which necessitate thoughtful plans for their maximization. I think it’s so special that Ms IS and I love spending this time exploring something new or spending time with family together.

On the flip side, we recently lost our cat suddenly. It’s still too much to get in to, but we are doing better after a few weeks. Ella (as in Ella Fitzgerald) was such a special little kitty and a huge part of our lives. We’ll get by, of course, but it was a punch in the stomach. Importantly, however, I think we did a great job of supporting each other through it.


Well, I’m still here, I guess. Writing away. Putting some blah, blah, blahs down to paper which is what I wanted to do in the first place. So, check plus there buddy.

I’ve noticed my projects are a bit longer form these days which takes more discipline, but may result in more satisfaction (marshmallow test, anyone?). The trade-off: posts may look like a series of various updates. Subjects like urban gardening are too large to write a few paragraphs about and then move on – and they change! You should see these freakin’ tommies!

So, I hope to continue with the projects, providing updates with progress. Maybe I’ll even finish something! I hope to keep the DIY and travel posts coming. Do you have any suggestions? What should I try to tackle next? How ’bout a State Park or hike recommendation?


Yes, still have the beard. I am loving not shaving everyday! But, I’m definitely on the shaggy mountainman side as opposed to the pro, clean beardman look. I haven’t found any animals in there yet, but I should probably learn how to operate a pair of clippers.

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